
My writing playlist is uber-important. The amount of work I get done in a day is directly linked to what I'm listening to, and it's absolutely essential I'm listening with headphones. Even in a quiet room, all by myself, I can't concentrate unless it's pumped directly into my brain. I'm forced to take a lot... Continue Reading →

Most Indies shouldn’t ever publish. Well, most women shouldn’t have babies. #amwriting

Quite Contrary

That’s not a kneejerk yeah well you’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny response.  Ask any writer, traditionally published or indie, our books are the children of our brains, and we’re protective of them.

A traditionally-published writer puts that baby into the hands of professionals who whisk it away, do cosmetic adjustments, dress it, raise it, choose its schools, and, sometimes, hand it back after a while saying hey, we’re as sorry as you are, but the kid ain’t gonna cut it. Of course quite often (not always) the kid does good and the publishers are yammering at the door – make more babies. Fast. One a year. Go go GO.

Traditionally-published book-parents are proud to the point of arrogant about their progeny being Chosen, and they are enraged when an indie book baby does better than their own Improved By Professionals offering because it just isn’t

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Fool’s Journey- 1st 50 pages

The Alpha stage is over for the front quarter of the book, and on to Beta... Let me know what you think! Silvery light from a full moon filtered through a scattering of clouds, illuminating the stone markers of the dead as pinpricks of reflected light that stretched out ahead of her, disappearing into the... Continue Reading →

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